Cast-A-Way Bass Club
ARTICLE I: The Cast-A-Way Bass Club is hereby founded
and incorporated on this date, being the 7th day of January 1997. The name, as it appears above, shall remain until
such change is presented to the membership and ratified by the membership in a mutual gathering hereafter known as a club
ARTICLE II: This club is an association of persons
with a mutual interest in the sport of Bass Angling or Bass Fishing. It is a
non-profit organization with an emphasis towards the simple premise of enjoyment and entertainment for those participants
at any of the events conducted by the club. Participation in the Cast-A-Way Bass
Club should provide all members the opportunity to fish and to learn more of the methods and techniques employed (legally)
to catch bass. Events included, but are not limited to, fishing tournaments and
club meetings.
ARTICLE III: All club meetings shall be conducted
under the principals of “Roberts Rules of Order”. Officers shall
be nominated and elected by the attending membership at the November meeting. There
shall be, as a normal rule, a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Tournament Director, and Assistant Tournament Director. All other titles shall be appointed or volunteered and shall be called committee Chairpersons. Should any of these positions be vacated, for any reason, the runner-up shall assume
the position. If none is available, an election shall be held at the next regularly
scheduled meeting.
dues shall be established at the first formal meeting and shall not be changed until a Quorum vote by an attending membership
at the November meeting. Tournament Fees shall be established at the first formal
meeting of the club and shall not be changed until a Quorum vote of the attending membership of the last regularly scheduled
meeting of the calendar year. Such dues and fees shall be noted in the club Rules.
ARTICLE V: Tournament Rules shall be established
by the attending membership at the first formal meeting of the club. The attending
members at the November meeting shall make changes. All protests, of the rules,
shall be submitted to the officers of the club. Protests at any of the events/tournaments
shall be submitted to the Tournament Director, in writing, and such decisions there upon rendered shall be binding.
ARTICLE VI: Membership shall be open to the public. A new member shall be validated upon receipt of the application and paid membership
dues. Suspension of membership will be immediate upon determination of Un-sportsmanlike
Conduct or any conduct deemed inappropriate and detrimental to the interest or principals of the club. Any member suspended for any reason during the course of the current year shall forfeit the dues for that
year. Quorum Vote of the Officers present shall make such determination at the
ARTICLE VII: Awards shall be as follows:
Awards for the top six places in points
1st is the Club Angler of the Year
2nd through 6th shall be “Position”
Award for Men’s Big Bass of the year
Award for Ladies Angler of the Year
Special Awards for all junior anglers (12 and under) for any legal fish caught during the year
Tournament Director’s Award (Discretionary Award)
Any other awards, such as
patches, ribbons etc. shall be decided by the general membership and subject to change according to availability.